By playing with Islington Netball, you automatically agree to these Terms and Conditions, the Code of Conduct and the waiver form (which is emailed to and completed by all team captains). It is the responsibility of all team captains and players to ensure that these Terms and Conditions are adhered to.
Personal injury insurance is not provided by Islington Netball. If players wish to be insured against personal injury they are advised to arrange their own personal injury insurance to cover them participating in the netball league.
There is an inherent risk of injury playing netball and Islington Netball does not accept any responsibility for any injuries to or death of players or spectators at the netball courts, unless Islington Netball is in breach of these Terms and Conditions or relevant Health and Safety legislation and this is the cause of the death or serious injury.
Some basic first aid supplies are available at the netball courts. Any medical assistance or advice given is provided on a voluntary basis with the assumed consent of the injured player. Any taxis or transport required for an injured player will be at the expense of that player.
There is no additional time played in the event of an injury.
All players are responsible for reading and understanding the code of conduct and disciplinary process.
A team must have a minimum of 4 of their own team players by the start of the 2nd quarter for the game to count. If they have less than 4 of their own players (i.e. they have 4 or more fill-in players), they lose 15-nil, but do not lose the forfeit fee. Specific rules apply about fill-in players during semi-final and finals weeks. Captains receive details of this by email prior to these weeks.
Every team pays a £60 forfeit fee at the beginning of each season. If they do not field a team for a match, they lose this fee. If the team doesn't forfeit matches during the season, the fee is refunded or taken off the next season's fees. If a team forfeits more than once in a season, Islington Netball reserves the right to charge another £60 forfeit fee per game missed.
Unfortunately, no individual or team refunds can be given during the season or within the 7 days before it starts.