What do I need to bring? Are there any uniform requirements?
Just bring yourself and wear suitable footwear and sports clothes. We supply all equipment and there are no uniform requirements. Your team will need to supply bibs and we have spares id needed.
What happens if it rains?
Games take place rain and shine and you should always assume games are on unless the team captain is notified.
I want to play but haven’t played for several years/am a beginner. Can I still play?
Yes, we have several grades on both nights. Contact us to fit you into a suitable team.
Are competitions graded?
Yes, we currently have 3 grades on Tuesdays and 3 on Wednesdays. New teams may need to start at the bottom and work up, depending on team space availability!
I want to play but can’t play for the whole season. Can I still register and what will it cost?
If we can fit you into a team which needs a player on an ad-hoc basis or only for a few weeks, we will! The cost is usually around £7 per week depending on how many players are in the team (to split the team cost).
I want to play with a few friends but we haven’t got enough people for a full team. Can we register together?
Yes, you can all play in the same team and we will arrange for other players to join your team provided there is a space for a new team.
I want to register as an individual. Is this possible and what happens next?
Yes, in fact about 30% of our players first joined as individuals on an existing team, or a new team made up of individuals. Contact us and tell us about your playing experience and we'll fit you into a team.
What happens if I can’t play one week?
You should tell your captain and arrange a reserve from the reserves Facebook Group.
Do you socialise?
Yes! We have a an awards presentation at the end of each season followed by drinks in the pub - there are some great prizes for winning teams, runners up and individual players of the season (nominated by teams and umpires). We also have an annual charity tournament at Christmas.