Season Details
Season 1 - Winter 2024
Tuesday league starts Tue 9th Jan and ends Tuesday 2nd April​
Wednesday league starts Weds 10th Jan and ends Weds 3rd April.
12 week season
Week off: 13/14th Feb (Half term-reserved date)
£692 (Tue Or Weds)
Season 2 - Spring 2024
Tuesday league starts Tue 16th April and ends Tuesday 2nd July.
Wednesday league starts Weds 17th April and ends Weds 3rd July.
12 weeks season
£692 (Tue OR Weds)
Season 3 - Summer 2024
Tuesday league starts Tue 16th July and ends Tuesday 3rd September.
Wednesday league starts Weds 17th July and ends Weds 4th September
8 weeks season
£462 (Tue OR Weds)
Season 4 - Autumn 2024
Tuesday league starts Tue 17th September and ends Tuesday 10th December
Wednesday league starts Weds 18th September and ends Weds 11th December
12 weeks season
£692 (Tue OR Weds)
Games and Teams
Games will be played at the outdoor courts at Highbury Fields and indoors at Highbury Grove School
Start times:
Outdoors - 7pm. 7.40pm, 8.20pm, ​
Indoors - 6.35pm, 7.15pm,7.555pm
Every team has several of each start time throughout the season
40 minute games (4 quarters)
3 grades from "social" to "advanced" standard (NB: New teams may be required to start at the bottom and work up!)
Most teams play on either Tuesday or Wednesday night league, but you are welcome to register your team in both leagues.
Equipment and Clothing
Balls are provided, teams to supply their own bibs (these can be borrowed from Arancha at the start of the season if needed)
Sports shoes must be worn, hair tied back, jewellery removed and nails cut short below the fingertips. No gloves.
Experienced, friendly umpires
If you would like to be added to the list of Islington Netball umpires please Contact Us